Cheat Sheet: New Features in JPA 2.1

JPA 2.1 introduced 12 new features, like StoreProcedureQueries, Entity Graphs and Attribute Converter, to make your work with the database easier and more efficient.
Download your free New Features in JPA 2.1 cheat sheet now, to get all the information you need to improve your database access.

This 5 page cheat sheet brings you:

- a short description and
- code snippets for each feature,
- links to more detailed articles.

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Java Weekly #11: Missing stream method, Java 9 overview, lost updates and more...

The Java world is evolving at a rapid pace and it can be challenging to keep track of it. Fortunately lots of great resources are created every week, explaining new features or looking at existing stuff from a different angle.

I am using the Java Weekly series to collect the most interesting links I found during the last week and present them to you all in one place. I hope you find it useful and that it makes it easier for you to keep up-to-date. If you like to suggest a resource or something I can improve on, please leave me a comment.


Ever wondered why Iterable does not provide a stream() method in Java 8? Seams like a mistake, doesn't it? Well, it's not. Brian Götz describes in this post on stackoverflow, why the EG decided against it and what you should do instead.

The work on Java 9 has started and it gets difficult to keep track on the different JEPs and the changes they propose. Alex Zhitnitsky gives a nice overview about the JEPs that are already accepted and several ones that are expected to be added to Java 9 in the near future.

The development team at Data Geekery missed some features in the Java 8 Streams API when they developed their integration tests with Java 8. So they created their own library called jOOλ and published it under ASL 2.0 license. They described the reasons/features they missed in the Streams API and their jOOλ library in their recent blog post: When the Java 8 Streams API is not Enough.

Vlad Mihalcea wrote a very detailed blog post about database locking and the lost update problem. If you like to learn more or just refresh your knowledge about the lost update problem and how to avoid it, you should definitely read this article.


As you might have read in one of the previous issues of the Java Weekly, the JSR 371: Model-View-Controller (MVC 1.0) Specification was created by Oracle. Manfred Riem, one of the spec leads, now announced on twitter that they are looking for EG nominations.

More Resources

Lots of conferences record the talks and put them online. Normally that takes several days up to weeks. But not for the JavaZone. They published the first videos a few hours after the conference started. If you haven't already seen them, you can find them here: JavaZone 2014 on Vimeo.

JetBrains published the September issue of their Java Annotated Monthly. They curated an impressive list of Java related content during the last month. If you are looking for more interesting content, you should have a look at this list. They list a lot of great stuff.

This and that

Interested in remote working? Then this is something for you. The buffer team published a blog post in which they describe how they organize the work and how they communicate in a remote team: What Remote Working Means & The Tools We Use at Buffer.

See you next week!

These were the most interesting resources I found this week. I hope you find them useful and I see you next Monday for the next issue. You can subscribe below to get an email notification for every issue.

If you like to suggest a link for next weeks issue or something i can improve on, please write me a comment.

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